
Tief in den Bergen Mittelitaliens, sechs Jahre nach einem schweren Erdbeben: Die Jugendlichen des Dorfes Spelonga leben noch immer in provisorischen Containerbauten. In der eingeschworenen Gruppe macht sich Unmut breit, denn ihr Anführer Emanuelle (17) zieht mit seiner Familie nach Rom. Dann muss sich auch...

A whistle. The stands of the stadium get loud. The players protest angrily. The presenters follow the action on the field. In the middle of it, the referee. The whole stadium watches him. Now he has to decide and direct the energy of an entire...

Ben finds peace in his new home - In Nigeria, his children were killed by the Boko Haram. But his wait in Switzerland for his asylum decision makes his hope for inner peace crumble. DIRECTOR: Max Carlo KohalPRODUCTION: ZHDKCINEMATOGRAPHY: Lukas Gut LENGTH: 7 min. ...