26 Jul Eutropic – Awake
Music Video for Eutropic: a avant-pop outfit obsessed with analog synths and the concept of time. DIRECTOR: Steven VitPRODUCTION: Eutropic / Steven VitCINEMATOGRAPHY: Lukas Gut LENGTH: 4 min. ...
Music Video for Eutropic: a avant-pop outfit obsessed with analog synths and the concept of time. DIRECTOR: Steven VitPRODUCTION: Eutropic / Steven VitCINEMATOGRAPHY: Lukas Gut LENGTH: 4 min. ...
A prevention film for the Swiss Crime Prevention (SKP) "Ihre Polizei", the Basel City Cantonal Police and the Zurich City Police. DIRECTOR: Max Carlo KohalPRODUCTION: schau. GmbHCINEMATOGRAPHY: Lukas Gut LENGTH: 2 min. ...